Sunday 3 July 2016

Queens Park Savannah

The Queens Park Savannah is situated in Port of Spain and sits on approximately 260 acres of land.  It is said to be one of the world's largest traffic roundabout.  On the Southern side, the National Academy of Performing Arts can be found as well as the National Museum.

Seven colonial mansions are situated on the north-western side of the savannah and are referred to as the magnificent seven.  The seven buildings are -

  • Archbishop's house
  • Mille Fleurs
  • Hayes Court
  • Queens Royal College
  • Whitehall
  • Kallarney and
  • Roomor
The Emperor Valley Zoo and the Botanical gardens can also be found around the savannah.  The savannah is considered to be the heart of the city and is used as a venue for concerts, sporting events and kite flying. Joggers frequent the savannah as well as coconut vendors.  There are tall trees offering shade to persons desirous of having a picnic and benches can also be found for spectators.  It is the ideal place to exercise and enjoy some sight seeing as well.

1 comment:

  1. It sure is a popular spot in Port of Spain and a great meeting spot for someone who is not familiar with the area, you can't miss the Savannah...
